Possible Error codes

All the possible error codes for Container tracking API are listed below.

200 Response

Those reponses mean that we have been able to detect the sealine and to get a response from the shipping line. ut the response does not contain tracking data.

HTTP Error CodeMessageError details
200SEALINE_HASNT_PROVIDE_INFORequest completed successfully. The line replied that nothing was found for this request
200NO_CONTAINERSRequest completed successfully. The line did not provide container information
200NO_EVENTSRequest completed successfully. The line provided information on containers, but did not provide information on events
200SEALINE_CANCELED_SHIPMENTRequest completed successfully. Shipment cancelled

400 and 500 Responses

Those responses mean that we have been unable to query information from the shipping line. Therefore, the requests that led to those errors will not be invoiced.

HTTP Error CodeMessageError details
400BAD_REQUESTYour request is missing required parameters
400Param: shipmentNumber cannot be null or empty
400WRONG_NUMBERInvalid container / bill of lading or booking number specified
400WRONG_SEALINEInvalid carrier alpha code (SCAC) specified
400WRONG_TYPEThe specified document type is invalid.
400Cannot convert value: {{value}} into request type: Boolean
400SEALINE_NO_RESPONSEAn error occurred while executing the request. The line is not responding
400SEALINE_TEMPORARY_DISABLEDThis carrier is temporary disabled, try again later
400AUTO_CANT_DETECT_SEALINERequest completed successfully. We can't auto-detect the sealine, try to enter the sealine manually
400AUTO_CANT_DETECT_TYPERequest completed successfully. We can't auto-detect the document type, try to enter the document type manually
400AUTO_CANT_FIND_INFORequest completed successfully. We can't auto-detect the information about this document, try to enter the sealine and the document type manually
400SEALINE_NOT_SUPPORTEDSealine SCAC code is not supported (check GET /sealines for supported sealines and corresponding SCAC codes)
400TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SEALINEShipment Type you entered is not supported for this Sealine (check GET /sealines for supported shipment types)
400SEALINE_UNDER_MAINTENANCEThis carrier is under maintenance, try again later
405Method POST is not allowed
500An unexpected error has occurred