
Get real time and estimated data on shipment locations and status. Track any shipment by CT, BL or BK.

Track any container using CT, BL or BK number.

Get data from over 170 global shipping lines in one single endpoint.

Retrieve list of locations, dates and events associated with each container journey.

Frequent use-cases served:

  • Get shipment ETA at POD (shipping line data) + Predictive ETA at POD
  • Get shipment current gps position + key locations : PREPOL, POL, POD, POSTPOD
  • Get event updates associated to key locations and transhipments
  • Get route segment data
  • Get vessel details

Response map

metadata object - additional data on the api request

shipmentType string - can be CT BL BK if this parameter is not present in the request, it will be autodetected.

shipmentNumber string - shipment reference entered as input.

sealine string - shipping line SCAC code. If this parameter is not present in the request, it will be autodetected.

sealineName string - name of the shipping line in full.

shippingStatusstring - can be PLANNED IN_TRANSIT or DELIVERED
If no event dates are available, status is PLANNED, if event dates are still in the future status is IN_TRANSIT and if all dates are in the past and delivery has been confirmed by sealine, status is DELIVERED.

updatedAt string - timestamp from when data was last received from the carrier.

warnings string - warnings on data quality or discrepancies in data received from carrier. Warnings can be

  • MISSING_DATES at least one of the event dates is null
  • OBSOLETE_DATA timestamp from updatedAt is older than 24 hours
  • NO_POL no Port of Loading received from carrier
  • NO_POD no Port of Discharge received from carrier
  • STATUS_MISMATCH shipment status is in conflict with event dates

locations object - array of locations

namestring - location name

state string - location state

country string - country of location

countryCode string - country code of the location (2 characters)

locode string - UN/LOCODE of the port

coordinates - latitude and longitude of the location

timezone string - timezone of the location. Dates are displayed in local time.

routeobject - route details from PREPOL to POSTPOD

prepolobject - place of dispatch

date string - date of first event at first location

isActual boolean - if true, the date is actual if false, the date is estimated

pol object - port of loading

date string - date of the first event received by the carrier in the first port of loading

isActual boolean - if true, the date is actual, if false, the date is estimated.

pod object - port of discharge

date string - date of the first event received by the carrier in the first port of discharge - usually date of arrival

isActual boolean - if true, the date is actual, if false, the date is estimated.

predictiveEta string - available when the shipment is within 3 days of its arrival at POD. Sinay calculation based on historical AIS data, live port congestion and wheather.

postpod object - destination

datestring - date of the first event received in the last destination / location

isActual boolean - if true, the date is actual if false, the date is estimated

vesselsobject - array of vessels transporting containers

namestring - vessel name

imostring - unique identifier of the vessel

callSign strop - call sign of the vessel

mmsi integer - maritime mobile service identity

flag string - country code (2 characters)

containers object - container data

number string - container number or unknown if the carrier provides incorrect or no data

isoCode string - ISO code of the container

status string - can be PLANNED, IN_TRANSIT or DELIVERED

events object - events and associated dates

location string - and associated details

facility string - if available and provided by the carrier

description string - event description

eventType string - type of event. Can be SHIPMENT TRANSPORT or EQUIPMENT

eventCode string - event code. Can be:


  • ARRI- arrived
  • DEPA- departed


  • LOAD- loaded
  • DISC- discharged
  • GTIN- gated in
  • GTOT- gated out
  • STUF- stuffed
  • STRP- stripped
  • PICK- pick-up
  • AVPU- available for pick-up
  • DROP- drop-off
  • AVDO- available for drop off
  • INSP- inspected
  • RSEA- resealed
  • RMVD- removed
  • CUSS- customs selected for scan
  • CUSI- customs selected for inspection
  • CUSR- customs released
  • CROS- crossed


  • RECE- received
  • DRFT- drafted
  • PENA- pending update
  • PENU- pending confirmation
  • PENC- pending confirmation
  • CONF- confirmed
  • REJE- rejected
  • APPR- approved
  • ISSU- issued
  • SURR- surrendered
  • SUBM- submitted
  • VOID- voif
  • REQS- requested
  • CMPL- completed
  • HOLD- on hold
  • RELS- released
  • CANC- cancelled

status string - 3 character event code. Can be :

  • CEP- container empty to shipper
  • CPS- container pickup at shipper
  • CGI- container arrival at first POL (gate in)
  • CLL- container loaded at first POL
  • VDL- vessel departure from first POL
  • VAT- vessel arrival at transhipment port
  • CDT- vessel departure from transhipment port
  • TSD- transhipment delay
  • CLT- container loaded at transhipment port
  • VDT- vessel departure from transhipment port
  • VAD- vessel arrival at final POD
  • CDD- container discharge at final POD
  • CGO- container departure from final POD ( gate out)
  • CDC- container delivery to consignee
  • CER- container empty return to depot
  • LTS- land transhipment
  • BTS- barge transhipment
  • UNK- unknown

date string - event date

isActual boolean - if true, the date is actual, if false the date is estimated

routeType string - type of transport. Can be SEA or LAND.

voyage string - sea voyage identifier

routeData object - route coordinates. Available if set to true in the request.

route object

array of route segments from first to last location.


Current position of the vessel transporting the shipment. Location from AIS. Latitude and longitude.

AIS object - available if set to true in the request.

status string - can be OK NOT_ON_BOARD NO_AIS_DATA

lastEvent object - latest event provided by shipping line

description string - event description

dischargePort object - date of the final port of discharge

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!